Thursday's Running

TERYNE!'s corner = Tagboard.

Warning: Venting.

Good day, peoples. First things first: Spamming on the tagboard will not be tolerated, and so far Shaun Woo has been banned indefinitely for posting stuff he shouldn't be posting >_> Seriously, if you hate it so much, why not just leave, right? Perhaps before you post you can click on the little (X) button at the top right-hand corner of your screen or freaking close the browser.

Second thing: I realise how very hyper Tenor 1's are, but could you, please, please, get around to singing the song more seriously. I mean... you don't have to wait for Mr. Tay or Ms. Gan or Ms. Tham to come and conduct you then you sing properly, right? I say, feed your good habits. To the Tenor 2's and Baritones, JIAYOU and Basses, I will prolly help you ONLY IF YOU STOP TEACHING YOURSELVES THE WRONG THINGS GAH. =X SOMEONE LEARN HOW TO READ MUSIC KTHNXBYE.

No, it's not that. As seniors you all should have been able to learn how to read your scores already. You can say that it's easy for me to say it, but look at... Samuel Stephens! Paul! Ronald! Walter! I mean, they all can read music, and prior to them joining the choir, I should think none of the above mentioned have been trained in music before! Seriously, guys, get your butts moving. If you want to sound as nice as CHIJ or St. Gabs or even CGSS (with Victoria Chorale being a far, far away), you've gotta get your butts moving. LEARN.

And running: you all shouldn't dread it too. Do the right things because it's the right thing to do, not because someone scolds you into it. If we have running next week, don't say that you didn't bring your attire and everything. Heck, I think we should start the fining system up AGAIN. If you guys don't want to learn, you've got to learn the hard way.

Sec 1's, I know you're rather new to all this, but please, please please work hard, have fun and whatever. I know it seems tedious, boring and yawn-ishy sometimes but really, the results are promising.

I want to quote CGSS' Melsyl: "About the sec 3s taking more charge, I feel that the choir should be a little bit more understanding."

Do take note of that too.

Seniors: To the 50% of you who haven't, grow up. To the other 50%, make them grow up.

-End ranting.-

Do continue to look through "So It Goes" and "Ave Maria" because Ko Matsushita is absolutely wonderful *random*. And all those who can write solfege, please WRITE IT DOWN BEFORE WE DO MORE JUMPING JACKS THNX.

I am so pooped.
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    Conductors & Teachers

    Music Director

    Ms. Jennifer Tham

    Conductor & Composer

    Mr. Albert Tay 

    Vocal Coach

    Mr. William Lim


    Mrs. Jacinta Leong

    Ms. Wong 

    Ms. Deborah Gan

    Ex-Intern Teachers

    Ms. Liow Xiao Chun (09)   
    Ms. Ho (09)


    According to Sectional Order:

    2010 Intake

    Tenor 1

    Ker Jen Kit

    Theodoric Keith Lim

    Clement Tay

    Leonard Tan


    Joshua Kon

    Tenor 2

    Ariel Koh

    Brandon Fong

    Darryl Tan

    Nigel Han

    Brendan Teo


    Kenneth Tan



    Kam Chin Ting

    Andrew Wirawan

    2009 Intake

    Tenor 1

    Josh Lim

    Amos Ng

    Amoz Seah

    Azarel Seah

    Ian Teo

    Eugene Ho

    Justin Leong

    Choo Yan Min

    Tenor 2

    Max Wee

    Javier Koh



    Sean Foo

    Jerrold Tan

    Darius Wong

    Haran Dorairaj

    Ryan Chen

    2008 Intake
    Tenor 1
    Jonathan Poh (P 09)

    Tenor 2
    Evan Lee(SL 09)
    Darien Chua

    Barnabas Soh (ASL 09)


    Stephen Ow


    Chan Jin Jia
    Jonathan Neo
    Clint Ho

    2007 Intake
    Tenor 1


    Kenneth Lin (SC 09)
    Christopher Sim (LG 09)

    S. Nishanthen S/O Beyonce(LB 09)
    Joel Khoo (SL 08/09)
    Tony Wang (VP 09)

    2006 Intake
    Jeremy Tan (Sl 07/09,LB 08/09, ASL 08,T 07/08)
    Sherwin Kwek (T 08/09)

    Ang Jian Bing
    Foo Kai Wen

    P - President
    VP - Vice President
    LB - Librarian
    LG - Logistical Administrator
    T - Treasurer
    SC - Student Conductor
    SL - Sectional Leader
    ASL - Assistant Sectional Leader


    In Alphabetical Order:

    Alumni 2009
    Benjamin See (SC 07/08/09, SL 08/09)
    Ethan Liew (SL 08/09, LG 08/09)
    George Tan
    Joel Lee
    Luke Tan (VP 08/09)
    Reuben Phua
    Shaun Chui (P 08/09)

    Alumni 2008
    Ernest Quek (SC 07/08, SL 07/08)
    Gabriel Low (LB 07/08)
    Jerome Tan (T 07/08, VP 07/08)
    Joshua Cheng (LG 07/08)
    Raymond Liew (SL 07/08)
    Ronald Liong (P 07/08)

    Alumni 2007
    Canaan Ee (SL 06/07)
    Edward Low (SL 06/07)
    James Lim (SL 06/07)
    Paul Tan (P 06/07)
    Samuel Stephens
    Timothy Lum (T 06/07, LB 06/07)
    Walter Chan (VP 06/07)

    Alumni 2005
    Chia Shan Yu
    Clovis Tan (SC 04/05)
    Goh Shan Hui
    Iven Peh
    Tum Jierong

    and more...