Choir practice!

[edit] Please COME AT 3pm not 3.30pm IN ORDER TO FASCILITATE WARM UPS. I doubt anyone is reading this but COME AT 3pm. I WILL TELL YOU ALL TOMORROW. you guise know how you all warm up... dilly dally and then whatnot. SO COME EARLY, UNLESS YOU CAN DO WARM UPS IN 10 MINS, WHICH YOU CAN'T. [/edit by bensee]

tomorrow. 3.30pm [unless otherwise stated by Ms Gan or Ms Lim, since there's Chaplain's Hour tomorrow].

whatever time choir starts, please be punctual. one way to ensure this is to be in the music room with your water bottle, pencil, and scores ready before the stated time, so that we can start warm-ups.

also, remember to have your journals with you. [and obviously, there has to be something written in the journal. BenSee has kindly given you guys a place to start. Add other stuff that you can remember from the rehearsal!]

and with the newly implemented "no handphones in your pocket" rule, I'ld like everyone to switch off their handphones and place them on the shelf or in your bags before choir begins. If you are expecting an important phone call, alert mr tay [not me. I'm not the one conducing the rehearsal.]. I trust you guys will cooperate, because it's pointless for me to go around all 25 of us just to ensure everyone kept their handphones. please remind each other of this.

Speaking of reminding each other, let's start a habit of reminding each other when our bad habits act up. e.g.: lifting heads to breathe, leaning to one side, playing with the score, just to name a few. no names mentioned.

By the way, when you're free, read this. Hope this clears up your mind on the differences between tenuto and accent.

The note is played louder or with a harder attack than any surrounding unaccented notes. May appear on notes of any duration.

This symbol has two meanings. It usually indicates that it be played for its full value, without any silence between it and the next note, but with a separate attack (non legato). It can also direct the performer to give the note a slight accent. Combining a tenuto with a staccato yields a "portato," which indicates intermediate note-lengths, detached but not quite staccato.

Source: Wikipedia: Modern musical symbols
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    Conductors & Teachers

    Music Director

    Ms. Jennifer Tham

    Conductor & Composer

    Mr. Albert Tay 

    Vocal Coach

    Mr. William Lim


    Mrs. Jacinta Leong

    Ms. Wong 

    Ms. Deborah Gan

    Ex-Intern Teachers

    Ms. Liow Xiao Chun (09)   
    Ms. Ho (09)


    According to Sectional Order:

    2010 Intake

    Tenor 1

    Ker Jen Kit

    Theodoric Keith Lim

    Clement Tay

    Leonard Tan


    Joshua Kon

    Tenor 2

    Ariel Koh

    Brandon Fong

    Darryl Tan

    Nigel Han

    Brendan Teo


    Kenneth Tan



    Kam Chin Ting

    Andrew Wirawan

    2009 Intake

    Tenor 1

    Josh Lim

    Amos Ng

    Amoz Seah

    Azarel Seah

    Ian Teo

    Eugene Ho

    Justin Leong

    Choo Yan Min

    Tenor 2

    Max Wee

    Javier Koh



    Sean Foo

    Jerrold Tan

    Darius Wong

    Haran Dorairaj

    Ryan Chen

    2008 Intake
    Tenor 1
    Jonathan Poh (P 09)

    Tenor 2
    Evan Lee(SL 09)
    Darien Chua

    Barnabas Soh (ASL 09)


    Stephen Ow


    Chan Jin Jia
    Jonathan Neo
    Clint Ho

    2007 Intake
    Tenor 1


    Kenneth Lin (SC 09)
    Christopher Sim (LG 09)

    S. Nishanthen S/O Beyonce(LB 09)
    Joel Khoo (SL 08/09)
    Tony Wang (VP 09)

    2006 Intake
    Jeremy Tan (Sl 07/09,LB 08/09, ASL 08,T 07/08)
    Sherwin Kwek (T 08/09)

    Ang Jian Bing
    Foo Kai Wen

    P - President
    VP - Vice President
    LB - Librarian
    LG - Logistical Administrator
    T - Treasurer
    SC - Student Conductor
    SL - Sectional Leader
    ASL - Assistant Sectional Leader


    In Alphabetical Order:

    Alumni 2009
    Benjamin See (SC 07/08/09, SL 08/09)
    Ethan Liew (SL 08/09, LG 08/09)
    George Tan
    Joel Lee
    Luke Tan (VP 08/09)
    Reuben Phua
    Shaun Chui (P 08/09)

    Alumni 2008
    Ernest Quek (SC 07/08, SL 07/08)
    Gabriel Low (LB 07/08)
    Jerome Tan (T 07/08, VP 07/08)
    Joshua Cheng (LG 07/08)
    Raymond Liew (SL 07/08)
    Ronald Liong (P 07/08)

    Alumni 2007
    Canaan Ee (SL 06/07)
    Edward Low (SL 06/07)
    James Lim (SL 06/07)
    Paul Tan (P 06/07)
    Samuel Stephens
    Timothy Lum (T 06/07, LB 06/07)
    Walter Chan (VP 06/07)

    Alumni 2005
    Chia Shan Yu
    Clovis Tan (SC 04/05)
    Goh Shan Hui
    Iven Peh
    Tum Jierong

    and more...