If the tagboard should receive more abuse,
"with great power comes great responsibility"
12:43 AM
By Raymond
Currently, the admins have noticed quite a lot of people spamming the tagboard, thinking they could get away with it. Even worse, they will use other people's name in order to divert the attention away from themselves. BenSee, Ronald, Ernest and I have found the people doing it and will NOT HESITATE TO block you from the blog. By how, dun ask us, but we have our means.
This message is also to Kenneth Lin, for cleverly using my name to spam the tagboard in the school's CPL lab. Although Hitler was a hero in the german's eye, i strongly suggest that you stop inpersonating him or other character, whether alive or dead.
On a lighter note, I'll reveal a small part of the camp details...
You guys will be playing games as and when we (the excos) like
And there is a reason for asking you guys to bring your roller-skates...
Add on to what Ronald has said, you can bring your barang-barang on thursday and place them in the room before choir starts. I'm not sure if ms gan will be opening up the room before assembly on friday, but will try to ask.
Another thing...
As the school term progresses, the weekly remedial would be popping up to a number of people...
So, for those who have remedial on monday and/or thursday, pls inform ms gan asap...
One last thing
Choir funds and camp forms...
for those who have not yet given the choir fund to Jeremy aka 27, pls pass him the cash on thursday
As for the forms, pass them to luke
That's bout all...
To BenSEE: I'm currently learning to play the notes for the scores before hand, but i need someone experience to inform me of my mistakes. Also, do you think it's a feasible idea to teach the basses how to play piano by side-reading?
8:08 PM
By ronaldLIONG|
- Choir Camp forms due on Monday!
- Choir fund: $10
Please bring your "barang-barang"s to school by Friday morning. [you can bring them on thursday and leave it in the small room. That's fine.]
Oh, something extra-irrelevant to choir, but anyways, the school is needing School Pianists for morning assemblies. Currently, we only have 2 Sec 4s, both of whom are graduating this year.
So, we need students [preferably Sec 1s to 3s] who can sight-read and have Piano Grade 6 or above [if im not wrong. I'll update if the number's wrong.] You'll be assured of lots of CIP hours [around 30h a year.] So, if you meet the criterias, and you wish to volunteer, just drop by the window of the PA room any day.
9:30 PM
By The Insensitive Nightmare
TERYNE!'s corner = Tagboard.
Warning: Venting.
Good day, peoples. First things first: Spamming on the tagboard will not be tolerated, and so far Shaun Woo has been banned indefinitely for posting stuff he shouldn't be posting >_> Seriously, if you hate it so much, why not just leave, right? Perhaps before you post you can click on the little (X) button at the top right-hand corner of your screen or freaking close the browser.
Second thing: I realise how very hyper Tenor 1's are, but could you, please, please, get around to singing the song more seriously. I mean... you don't have to wait for Mr. Tay or Ms. Gan or Ms. Tham to come and conduct you then you sing properly, right? I say, feed your good habits. To the Tenor 2's and Baritones, JIAYOU and Basses, I will prolly help you ONLY IF YOU STOP TEACHING YOURSELVES THE WRONG THINGS GAH. =X SOMEONE LEARN HOW TO READ MUSIC KTHNXBYE.
No, it's not that. As seniors you all should have been able to learn how to read your scores already. You can say that it's easy for me to say it, but look at... Samuel Stephens! Paul! Ronald! Walter! I mean, they all can read music, and prior to them joining the choir, I should think none of the above mentioned have been trained in music before! Seriously, guys, get your butts moving. If you want to sound as nice as CHIJ or St. Gabs or even CGSS (with Victoria Chorale being a far, far away), you've gotta get your butts moving. LEARN.
And running: you all shouldn't dread it too. Do the right things because it's the right thing to do, not because someone scolds you into it. If we have running next week, don't say that you didn't bring your attire and everything. Heck, I think we should start the fining system up AGAIN. If you guys don't want to learn, you've got to learn the hard way.
Sec 1's, I know you're rather new to all this, but please, please please work hard, have fun and whatever. I know it seems tedious, boring and yawn-ishy sometimes but really, the results are promising.
I want to quote CGSS' Melsyl:
Do take note of that too.
Seniors: To the 50% of you who haven't, grow up. To the other 50%, make them grow up.
-End ranting.-
Do continue to look through "So It Goes" and "Ave Maria" because Ko Matsushita is absolutely wonderful *random*. And all those who can write solfege, please WRITE IT DOWN BEFORE WE DO MORE JUMPING JACKS THNX.
I am so pooped.
Warning: Venting.
Good day, peoples. First things first: Spamming on the tagboard will not be tolerated, and so far Shaun Woo has been banned indefinitely for posting stuff he shouldn't be posting >_> Seriously, if you hate it so much, why not just leave, right? Perhaps before you post you can click on the little (X) button at the top right-hand corner of your screen or freaking close the browser.
Second thing: I realise how very hyper Tenor 1's are, but could you, please, please, get around to singing the song more seriously. I mean... you don't have to wait for Mr. Tay or Ms. Gan or Ms. Tham to come and conduct you then you sing properly, right? I say, feed your good habits. To the Tenor 2's and Baritones, JIAYOU and Basses, I will prolly help you ONLY IF YOU STOP TEACHING YOURSELVES THE WRONG THINGS GAH. =X SOMEONE LEARN HOW TO READ MUSIC KTHNXBYE.
No, it's not that. As seniors you all should have been able to learn how to read your scores already. You can say that it's easy for me to say it, but look at... Samuel Stephens! Paul! Ronald! Walter! I mean, they all can read music, and prior to them joining the choir, I should think none of the above mentioned have been trained in music before! Seriously, guys, get your butts moving. If you want to sound as nice as CHIJ or St. Gabs or even CGSS (with Victoria Chorale being a far, far away), you've gotta get your butts moving. LEARN.
And running: you all shouldn't dread it too. Do the right things because it's the right thing to do, not because someone scolds you into it. If we have running next week, don't say that you didn't bring your attire and everything. Heck, I think we should start the fining system up AGAIN. If you guys don't want to learn, you've got to learn the hard way.
Sec 1's, I know you're rather new to all this, but please, please please work hard, have fun and whatever. I know it seems tedious, boring and yawn-ishy sometimes but really, the results are promising.
I want to quote CGSS' Melsyl:
"About the sec 3s taking more charge, I feel that the choir should be a little bit more understanding."
Do take note of that too.
Seniors: To the 50% of you who haven't, grow up. To the other 50%, make them grow up.
-End ranting.-
Do continue to look through "So It Goes" and "Ave Maria" because Ko Matsushita is absolutely wonderful *random*. And all those who can write solfege, please WRITE IT DOWN BEFORE WE DO MORE JUMPING JACKS THNX.
I am so pooped.
9:06 PM
By The Insensitive Nightmare
Yes, hi. This is the retarded, amusing guy speaking >:
Here's your billy joel song, because embedding is disabled. Remember, guise, to transfer whatever you wrote on your foolscap onto your journals, or you could be doing more than what you did today. (I.E. Jumping jacks.)
I'm a bit tired, so that's all for now.
[edit] I'm back D: It's a bit late, but nevermind. The sec 1's who are reading this blog: Please try to follow us in warm ups. I know it's kind of difficult standing around for 3hrs and doing the stretches, but just follow. Somehow, eventually, you're get used to it and be able to do it correctly. (Trust me, when I thought I got it right in Sec 2 I was actually bending from my waist and not hips, etc.) And yes, the standing this is something for you to train as well... shugs, we didn't tell you guys about the standing, did we? xD Well, it'll get into you by sec 2, so have fun trying to integrate faster.
Do remember to buy yourselves journals. Those who don't have them by thursday... well, you know what's going to happen to the whole entire choir. Remember what Mr. Tay taught you guise today and DO YOUR SOLFEGE PLEASE {:[/edit]
Here's your billy joel song, because embedding is disabled. Remember, guise, to transfer whatever you wrote on your foolscap onto your journals, or you could be doing more than what you did today. (I.E. Jumping jacks.)
I'm a bit tired, so that's all for now.
[edit] I'm back D: It's a bit late, but nevermind. The sec 1's who are reading this blog: Please try to follow us in warm ups. I know it's kind of difficult standing around for 3hrs and doing the stretches, but just follow. Somehow, eventually, you're get used to it and be able to do it correctly. (Trust me, when I thought I got it right in Sec 2 I was actually bending from my waist and not hips, etc.) And yes, the standing this is something for you to train as well... shugs, we didn't tell you guys about the standing, did we? xD Well, it'll get into you by sec 2, so have fun trying to integrate faster.
Do remember to buy yourselves journals. Those who don't have them by thursday... well, you know what's going to happen to the whole entire choir. Remember what Mr. Tay taught you guise today and DO YOUR SOLFEGE PLEASE {:[/edit]
8:11 PM
By The Insensitive Nightmare
On a side note, please take care to notice that this is an incomplete blogskin. (For example, the "The Choir" section isn't filled and if you managed to find the easter eggs, they're not done yet, too.)
Please be patient while I consolidate information.
On a side note, please take care to notice that this is an incomplete blogskin. (For example, the "The Choir" section isn't filled and if you managed to find the easter eggs, they're not done yet, too.)
Please be patient while I consolidate information.
8:22 PM
By The Insensitive Nightmare
Pump the volume up to hear this:
That's how Ave Maria is supposed to sound like, okay?
Today was relatively good - I am inn the midst of scripting for the blog, so rejoice! This boring skin will be gone soon enough! :D
Now excuse me while I work on the CSS.
Hay guise, if our blog looked like this, what would you say about it? Click for full sized image please, and comment via the tagboard. What colour scheme do you want? Does the text need to be larger? Etc. Etc. Please tell.
That's how Ave Maria is supposed to sound like, okay?
Today was relatively good - I am inn the midst of scripting for the blog, so rejoice! This boring skin will be gone soon enough! :D
Now excuse me while I work on the CSS.
Hay guise, if our blog looked like this, what would you say about it? Click for full sized image please, and comment via the tagboard. What colour scheme do you want? Does the text need to be larger? Etc. Etc. Please tell.

8:34 PM
By ronaldLIONG|
Just a reminder of the things to come over the next few practices.
This Thursday [January 17]:
Exco Meeting, short one. After Choir.
Next Monday [January 21]:
First Rehearsal for the new Sec 1s.
Exco Meeting [part deux] before Choir starts.
1 to 2nd Feb
Choir Camp. Please check your schedules to see if there's any clash. I know I have, but at least it's still early for me...
Regarding the Exco Meetings, the committee is planning activities for the Choir camp. If anyone has any suggestions they want to bring up, you should tell the people in the committee. Our aim of the camp is to ultimately incorporate the Sec 1s into our choir family, which i hope will grow in number after 21 Jan.
P.s.: BenSee, We have a new Baritone [Edmund Ang, 2N1]. And we learnt the 1st 7 bars of Ko Matsushita's adaptation of "Ave Maria" [and we were generally in tune. that's important (stares towards B2).]. We also got 2 other new scores, and did a fewnew old, familiar stretches. did 20 push-ups, 20 jumping jacks. In other words: you missed a lot. But don't worry, next monday, you'll catch a lot as well.
P.s.s.: To those who were confused by Mr Tay, when he says "Moe", "Toe", these are just flats of the original, i.e.: "mae", "tay". It's just something we have to deal with and adapt as we transition from one conductor /musician to another [Ms Gan & Mr Chong used "-ay" as well.]. Just adapt. [oh, no excuse for not knowing ["fi"] = ["fa" sharp]
This Thursday [January 17]:
Exco Meeting, short one. After Choir.
Next Monday [January 21]:
First Rehearsal for the new Sec 1s.
Exco Meeting [part deux] before Choir starts.
1 to 2nd Feb
Choir Camp. Please check your schedules to see if there's any clash. I know I have, but at least it's still early for me...
Regarding the Exco Meetings, the committee is planning activities for the Choir camp. If anyone has any suggestions they want to bring up, you should tell the people in the committee. Our aim of the camp is to ultimately incorporate the Sec 1s into our choir family, which i hope will grow in number after 21 Jan.
P.s.: BenSee, We have a new Baritone [Edmund Ang, 2N1]. And we learnt the 1st 7 bars of Ko Matsushita's adaptation of "Ave Maria" [and we were generally in tune. that's important (stares towards B2).]. We also got 2 other new scores, and did a few
P.s.s.: To those who were confused by Mr Tay, when he says "Moe", "Toe", these are just flats of the original, i.e.: "mae", "tay". It's just something we have to deal with and adapt as we transition from one conductor /musician to another [Ms Gan & Mr Chong used "-ay" as well.]. Just adapt. [oh, no excuse for not knowing ["fi"] = ["fa" sharp]
10:29 AM
By The Insensitive Nightmare
The Saints Choir is a group of guys who love playing soccer and basketball as much as they love singing. They cheerfully endure mini Standard Charter marathons along the Potong Pasir canal, roller-blading sessions atEast Coast Park just to please their teacher-in-charge, who often feeds them with char siew pau (which actually makes them sing better). A few times a year, they get down to business and sing at morning assembly and Founder’s Day. The Choir will be putting up its first musical this July and hopes to go away too for a choral festival in Europe at the end of the year. The Choir rehearses on Mondays and Thursdays from 1530 to 1830.
(The Saints Choir is a group of guys...)
(...along the Potong Pasir canal, roller-blading sessions at East Coast Park just to please...)
(...and hopes to go away too for a choral...)
I am still wondering why we didn't edit all these funny-sounding parts.
The Saints Choir is a group of guys who love playing soccer and basketball as much as they love singing. They cheerfully endure mini Standard Charter marathons along the Potong Pasir canal, roller-blading sessions at
(The Saints Choir is a group of guys...)
(...along the Potong Pasir canal, roller-blading sessions at East Coast Park just to please...)
(...and hopes to go away too for a choral...)
I am still wondering why we didn't edit all these funny-sounding parts.
7:53 PM
By The Insensitive Nightmare
Be reminded that if you're late without a valid reason you will be obliged to do 100 jumping jacks on the spot, and you do know how bad it is.
I won't be able to meet all of you tomorrow because I'm having a very, very bad flu with side effects ranging from loss of voice, dry throat, blocked noses and inflammed tonsils. Please, please take care of yourselves unless you'd like to share the same, horrid fate that I've just experienced. D:
Bring your Choir Journals, remember all your basic discipline (remember that we have a long way to go) and listen to Ernest while he leads you into warm ups at 3.30pm. Please don't make life difficult for him. If we want to be as good as the band it is only right that we start by LISTENING and not asking people what music to take out and whether they can go to the toilets or anything. DO IT BEFORE 3.30pm or, yes, you will be subject to 100 jumping jacks.
I can't imagine myself trying that out, but... well.
Have fun tomorrow.
I won't be able to meet all of you tomorrow because I'm having a very, very bad flu with side effects ranging from loss of voice, dry throat, blocked noses and inflammed tonsils. Please, please take care of yourselves unless you'd like to share the same, horrid fate that I've just experienced. D:
Bring your Choir Journals, remember all your basic discipline (remember that we have a long way to go) and listen to Ernest while he leads you into warm ups at 3.30pm. Please don't make life difficult for him. If we want to be as good as the band it is only right that we start by LISTENING and not asking people what music to take out and whether they can go to the toilets or anything. DO IT BEFORE 3.30pm or, yes, you will be subject to 100 jumping jacks.
I can't imagine myself trying that out, but... well.
Have fun tomorrow.

7:09 PM
By The Insensitive Nightmare
On another note, please, can you not be influenced by me?! I mean, yeah, I don't go MOE recording then YOU ALL ALSO DON'T GO, THEN I'M THE ONE WHO KENA MS. GAN SCOLDING LA. >: *screams like a banshee*
Please please please make your own decisions yourself. I can't stand the rubbing-it-in-ness. Deadly, you know that?! So please please please, next time I do something first and you follow, say it was on your own accord and has nothing to do with Bensee and his EXCO-ness, okay? D:
*complains like hell*
On another note, please, can you not be influenced by me?! I mean, yeah, I don't go MOE recording then YOU ALL ALSO DON'T GO, THEN I'M THE ONE WHO KENA MS. GAN SCOLDING LA. >: *screams like a banshee*
Please please please make your own decisions yourself. I can't stand the rubbing-it-in-ness. Deadly, you know that?! So please please please, next time I do something first and you follow, say it was on your own accord and has nothing to do with Bensee and his EXCO-ness, okay? D:
*complains like hell*
9:46 PM
By Raymond
Hey guys!
The recording was soo UBER COOL today...
We recorded "Stand Up For Singapore" today...
Had so much fun with the others guys in the studio...
but 1 of the worse thing is that we gotta go according to the tempo of the girls...
And we sang RAYMOND'S SONG!
Not my song
Not for me
It's for the person in charge of recording the songs...
His name is also Raymond...
Ironic right?
There's more...
8:51 PM
By ronaldLIONG|
Apparently, there has been a change in plan for Saturday.
Everyone will come in and meet in the music room at 9am. This includes the AFGM and Prefects who are involved in the Sec 1 Orientation Camp.
We may need to rehearse a bit first should Mr Tay be in the room that early. Otherwise, we should be getting the room and "ads"[i.e.: posters, flyers] ready.
At around 12.30pm, we should be in the hall [preferably backstage], getting ready to go on stage to perform for the sec 1s and their parents. This will be the choral presentation in the hall.
Once that is over, we should retreat to the music room, and by 1.15pm, we'll mobilise people. [that's when the talk by Mr Au-Yong ends and the Sec 1s are free to move about with their parents]
The last time that I was informed, we will NOT be performing in the music room, only in the hall. This is probably because:
It's difficult to get everyone to take note of the time when we perform while people are all over the school. The presentation in the school hall is a better opportunity to showcase ourselves, since we cannot get all the sec 1 parents in the music room at once, and since almost all the sec 1 parents and students are supposed to be in the hall at that time for the talk by Mrs Charles and Mr Au-Yong, that's a better time to perform.
Reuben is in charge of giving instructions on the set-up of the music room. Of course, we'll co-operate with him.
And just a couple of things people should note:
Be gentle to the Sec 1s. They'd have just finished their Sec 1 camp when CCA display is happening.
Act professional. By that, I mean "no vulgarities, no squabbling, no nonsense".
Attire: Choir T-Shirt + School Pants.
Time: 9AM, 12 January 2008
Place: Music Room.
Scores: Ave Maria, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel
Stuff: Pencil, Pen, water bottle, diary
Teachers: Ms Gan, Ms Lim, Mr Tay.
information is accurate as of press time. [that's 10 Jan 08, 9:04pm GMT+0800h]
Have a happy Friday.
And please, take a look at your scores on Friday Night and Saturday Morning. Nobody else can remind you.
And don't neglect your Choral diaries.
Everyone will come in and meet in the music room at 9am. This includes the AFGM and Prefects who are involved in the Sec 1 Orientation Camp.
We may need to rehearse a bit first should Mr Tay be in the room that early. Otherwise, we should be getting the room and "ads"[i.e.: posters, flyers] ready.
At around 12.30pm, we should be in the hall [preferably backstage], getting ready to go on stage to perform for the sec 1s and their parents. This will be the choral presentation in the hall.
Once that is over, we should retreat to the music room, and by 1.15pm, we'll mobilise people. [that's when the talk by Mr Au-Yong ends and the Sec 1s are free to move about with their parents]
The last time that I was informed, we will NOT be performing in the music room, only in the hall. This is probably because:
Reuben is in charge of giving instructions on the set-up of the music room. Of course, we'll co-operate with him.
And just a couple of things people should note:
Be gentle to the Sec 1s. They'd have just finished their Sec 1 camp when CCA display is happening.
Act professional. By that, I mean "no vulgarities, no squabbling, no nonsense".
Attire: Choir T-Shirt + School Pants.
Time: 9AM, 12 January 2008
Place: Music Room.
Scores: Ave Maria, Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel
Stuff: Pencil, Pen, water bottle, diary
Teachers: Ms Gan, Ms Lim, Mr Tay.
information is accurate as of press time. [that's 10 Jan 08, 9:04pm GMT+0800h]
Have a happy Friday.
And please, take a look at your scores on Friday Night and Saturday Morning. Nobody else can remind you.
And don't neglect your Choral diaries.
8:06 PM
By The Insensitive Nightmare
First things first, I would like to whack Kenneth with my homework file for putting the posters up in the ULUEST places ever. OMG, 2B boy! Don't you have a sense of where people would see and not see?! xD
I have peeks of posters and flyers for you guise!
Poster peeks:
Flyer peeks:
You will see the full incarnation on Saturday, the posters tomorrow. Have a nice day, then!
I have peeks of posters and flyers for you guise!
Poster peeks:

Flyer peeks:

You will see the full incarnation on Saturday, the posters tomorrow. Have a nice day, then!
10:41 PM
By ronaldLIONG|
[edit] Please COME AT 3pm not 3.30pm IN ORDER TO FASCILITATE WARM UPS. I doubt anyone is reading this but COME AT 3pm. I WILL TELL YOU ALL TOMORROW. you guise know how you all warm up... dilly dally and then whatnot. SO COME EARLY, UNLESS YOU CAN DO WARM UPS IN 10 MINS, WHICH YOU CAN'T. [/edit by bensee]
tomorrow. 3.30pm [unless otherwise stated by Ms Gan or Ms Lim, since there's Chaplain's Hour tomorrow].
whatever time choir starts, please be punctual. one way to ensure this is to be in the music room with your water bottle, pencil, and scores ready before the stated time, so that we can start warm-ups.
also, remember to have your journals with you. [and obviously, there has to be something written in the journal. BenSee has kindly given you guys a place to start. Add other stuff that you can remember from the rehearsal!]
and with the newly implemented "no handphones in your pocket" rule, I'ld like everyone to switch off their handphones and place them on the shelf or in your bags before choir begins. If you are expecting an important phone call, alert mr tay [not me. I'm not the one conducing the rehearsal.]. I trust you guys will cooperate, because it's pointless for me to go around all 25 of us just to ensure everyone kept their handphones. please remind each other of this.
Speaking of reminding each other, let's start a habit of reminding each other when our bad habits act up. e.g.: lifting heads to breathe, leaning to one side, playing with the score, just to name a few. no names mentioned.
By the way, when you're free, read this. Hope this clears up your mind on the differences between tenuto and accent.

The note is played louder or with a harder attack than any surrounding unaccented notes. May appear on notes of any duration.

This symbol has two meanings. It usually indicates that it be played for its full value, without any silence between it and the next note, but with a separate attack (non legato). It can also direct the performer to give the note a slight accent. Combining a tenuto with a staccato yields a "portato," which indicates intermediate note-lengths, detached but not quite staccato.
Source: Wikipedia: Modern musical symbols
tomorrow. 3.30pm [unless otherwise stated by Ms Gan or Ms Lim, since there's Chaplain's Hour tomorrow].
whatever time choir starts, please be punctual. one way to ensure this is to be in the music room with your water bottle, pencil, and scores ready before the stated time, so that we can start warm-ups.
also, remember to have your journals with you. [and obviously, there has to be something written in the journal. BenSee has kindly given you guys a place to start. Add other stuff that you can remember from the rehearsal!]
and with the newly implemented "no handphones in your pocket" rule, I'ld like everyone to switch off their handphones and place them on the shelf or in your bags before choir begins. If you are expecting an important phone call, alert mr tay [not me. I'm not the one conducing the rehearsal.]. I trust you guys will cooperate, because it's pointless for me to go around all 25 of us just to ensure everyone kept their handphones. please remind each other of this.
Speaking of reminding each other, let's start a habit of reminding each other when our bad habits act up. e.g.: lifting heads to breathe, leaning to one side, playing with the score, just to name a few. no names mentioned.
By the way, when you're free, read this. Hope this clears up your mind on the differences between tenuto and accent.

The note is played louder or with a harder attack than any surrounding unaccented notes. May appear on notes of any duration.

This symbol has two meanings. It usually indicates that it be played for its full value, without any silence between it and the next note, but with a separate attack (non legato). It can also direct the performer to give the note a slight accent. Combining a tenuto with a staccato yields a "portato," which indicates intermediate note-lengths, detached but not quite staccato.
Source: Wikipedia: Modern musical symbols
2:46 PM
By Raymond
Hey guys!
I'm currently in the school library now...
Waiting for the 3SA ppl to finish their lesson before going for the recording of the songs...
It's quite fun actually...
But that's just a small part...
Ppl there don't talk as much as we do
and we were able to finish the song in a short time...
There's just 1 thing...
Further more, only me and Ethan went...
the other didnt want to go...
I'm currently in the school library now...
Waiting for the 3SA ppl to finish their lesson before going for the recording of the songs...
It's quite fun actually...
But that's just a small part...
Ppl there don't talk as much as we do
and we were able to finish the song in a short time...
There's just 1 thing...
Further more, only me and Ethan went...
the other didnt want to go...
5:03 PM
By The Insensitive Nightmare
I forgot to add another thing to the list.
Do remember to drop your shoulders and let them relax. Put your shoulder blades together. That's all xD
Do remember to drop your shoulders and let them relax. Put your shoulder blades together. That's all xD
7:34 PM
By The Insensitive Nightmare
Hay guise, haven't been online for a long time, so didn't know raymond and ronald had posted some stuff. D:
I was pretty embarrassed at myself for not looking at the MOE project in a different light before I started my rant (in front of Ms. Gan and Mr. Tay, no less) of whatever "useless shiz" and whatever. I guess I was just too crazy at that point of time to think straight. I think it was kind of strange, though, going for rehearsals every day... if you guys come back on Saturday as damn good singers, I am so crashing sessions with you all... I mean, they CAN accommodate one extra person, right? 8D
Besides that, TODAY WAS OUR FIRST REHEARSAL WITH MR. TAY, WOOHOO!!! I think you all agree that we learnt quite a bit, though we could have gone faster should we have had paid more attention and stretched ourselves to the end of the three hours. OF COURSE, WE'RE ALL GONNA PWN AVE MARIA AND DIDN'T MY LORD, right?!
Some stuff for you guise to write in your scores and journals:
For Ave Maria:
Adios 'till Thursday!
I was pretty embarrassed at myself for not looking at the MOE project in a different light before I started my rant (in front of Ms. Gan and Mr. Tay, no less) of whatever "useless shiz" and whatever. I guess I was just too crazy at that point of time to think straight. I think it was kind of strange, though, going for rehearsals every day... if you guys come back on Saturday as damn good singers, I am so crashing sessions with you all... I mean, they CAN accommodate one extra person, right? 8D
Besides that, TODAY WAS OUR FIRST REHEARSAL WITH MR. TAY, WOOHOO!!! I think you all agree that we learnt quite a bit, though we could have gone faster should we have had paid more attention and stretched ourselves to the end of the three hours. OF COURSE, WE'RE ALL GONNA PWN AVE MARIA AND DIDN'T MY LORD, right?!
Some stuff for you guise to write in your scores and journals:
For Ave Maria:
- Inflection... lots and lots of it.
- Dynamics.
- Pronounciation of words.
- Stressing of constanants.
- The pronounciation of "Didn't" and "Daniel".
- Crescendos in the verses should be spread out. ("And why not every man?", etc.)
- Taking note of the Tenuto(es) in the first chorus of "Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel, etc."
- Writing down the checklist for what to do from head to toe for preparing your instrument:
- Feet pointing forwards, hands by your side. (From Mr. Lim)
- Weight on balls of your feet.
- Loosen your knees.
- Breathe from the centre of your hips.
- Tuck your stomach in. (From Mr. Lim)
- Open your ribcage, chest out.
- Long neck, tuck chin in.
- Big face, large features, smile.
- Pulling sensation on head, tugging downwards on tail bone.
Adios 'till Thursday!

9:04 PM
By ronaldLIONG|
Everyone will be allowed to leave the classrooms at 11.25am. This shoud be around the same time the vocal sessions end.
SYCES should be in school around 12 for Technical run-through. The classes will some in at 1.
By the way, guys, remember to bring all your scores for the rehearsal tomorrow.
[we may need to collect back the old scores to destroy, plus we will need to decide what we'll be performing for the CCA Display. i guess.]
And for those who will be missing classes [which is EVERYONE, in case you haven't realised.], this is obvious stuff, but please ask ur buddies to inform you of the homework. Better yet, ask the person to collect ur homework and pass it to you during lunch.
Choir Practice at 3.00pm.
SYCES should be in school around 12 for Technical run-through. The classes will some in at 1.
By the way, guys, remember to bring all your scores for the rehearsal tomorrow.
[we may need to collect back the old scores to destroy, plus we will need to decide what we'll be performing for the CCA Display. i guess.]
And for those who will be missing classes [which is EVERYONE, in case you haven't realised.], this is obvious stuff, but please ask ur buddies to inform you of the homework. Better yet, ask the person to collect ur homework and pass it to you during lunch.
Choir Practice at 3.00pm.
8:17 PM
By Raymond
Hey guys!
Here's a quick reminder bout what's happening tomorrow...
For those who received the sms by Ms Gan for the audition, it's at 0940 tmr morning and should end by around 1030. No worries about teachers scolding you, cos Ms Lim will be giving out letters in case of that.
Not sure when she'll give them out though, although i predict it'll be after assembly. =P
As for the SYC thingy, they'll be coming down at 1300, so we're required to come down at dunno what time. WHoever is reading this, pls remind me to ask her tmr. Or in any case, help me ask her.
4:02 PM
By ronaldLIONG|
Hey everyone!
Just to keep people up-to-date on what's happening, We've been having the Vocal Sessions with most of the Sec 1 classes. [we still have 1N2 and 1N3 on monday.] During these sessions, Jerome and I would introduce the choir and the activities we're involved in from past to future. Then, we've been showing them a short video clip done by Ben See. Then, Ms Gan talks a bit more about music to the class whilst Mr Tay auditions the students.
It's been an interesting 2 days of auditions. Lots of sibling surprises.
Anyway, just take note: If you received an sms about some audition for local songs, the audition is next monday during the break before the SYCES performance.
For those who are not sure why there's this audition: MOE has requested for students to sing for a recording of local "folk" songs like Chan Mali Chan, Di Tanjung Katong, etc. The recordings are meant for some Interactive National Education thing. The songs are all to be sung in unison. The recording will be done in St. Patrick's School over the week. So, please come for the audition if you've been asked to. The rest. just pretend you didn't see this announcement.
To the Sec3s who would probably be reading this after their camp, Welcome back to society, and Congratulations on surviving the camp!
Just to keep people up-to-date on what's happening, We've been having the Vocal Sessions with most of the Sec 1 classes. [we still have 1N2 and 1N3 on monday.] During these sessions, Jerome and I would introduce the choir and the activities we're involved in from past to future. Then, we've been showing them a short video clip done by Ben See. Then, Ms Gan talks a bit more about music to the class whilst Mr Tay auditions the students.
It's been an interesting 2 days of auditions. Lots of sibling surprises.
Anyway, just take note: If you received an sms about some audition for local songs, the audition is next monday during the break before the SYCES performance.
For those who are not sure why there's this audition: MOE has requested for students to sing for a recording of local "folk" songs like Chan Mali Chan, Di Tanjung Katong, etc. The recordings are meant for some Interactive National Education thing. The songs are all to be sung in unison. The recording will be done in St. Patrick's School over the week. So, please come for the audition if you've been asked to. The rest. just pretend you didn't see this announcement.
To the Sec3s who would probably be reading this after their camp, Welcome back to society, and Congratulations on surviving the camp!
9:30 PM
By The Insensitive Nightmare
To the beats of Where is the love, Pump it and Vertigo, I present to you...THE SEC 1 ORIENTATION THINGYS LA.
Not currently available for download.
Oh ya, and at the last part, please, PLEASE don't watch my bewbs bouncing thanks.
Not currently available for download.
Oh ya, and at the last part, please, PLEASE don't watch my bewbs bouncing thanks.
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